If you are reading this message you likely attempted to log into Survey Junkie only to find a message saying 'Access Denied'. Yes, this means you have been blocked. But don't despair you may still be fine. Most likely you have rushed a survey the prior day or days and as a result, you have thrown an automatic ban from their system.

You may have even already got an email saying they believe you had done a survey too quickly.
The email may also say something along the lines of a manual approve being required in order to receive your points for the survey in question. Obviously, this means they think you were just clicking anything to get through the survey and not give honest feedback.
The good news if you get in touch with them via email most likely you will be able to get things squared away. Survey junkie will likely regrant you access with a warning not to rush any more surveys in the future. However, don't expect them to email you back right away. Most likely you will be waiting at least a couple of days to hear back from them. The contact form on their site even states that it may take 5-7 business days to hear back from them.
Sadly even sending an email to them will take some work. They do not provide an actual email address on their site. When you go to their 'Contact Us' page you will get a contact form. Which works fine in most cases. But users have even complained of not being able to use their contact form to send an email. They get the same 'Access Denied' message when doing so.
So you can now do 1 of 3 things. Or possibly more depending on how bad you want to regain access to your account.
1. Use a different browser and don't try to log in to your account. Send a message requesting to regain access to your banned account as a non-registered user.
2. Go to Survey Junkies Facebook Page and send them a message.
3. Or send them a direct email at [email protected]. I found this email on their Facebook 'About Page' and should get the job done.
Hope this helped you guys get your accounts back up and running! Please comment below and let us know if you were able to get your account unbanned. Also if you have any additional tips am sure others would love to know.

You may have even already got an email saying they believe you had done a survey too quickly.
The email may also say something along the lines of a manual approve being required in order to receive your points for the survey in question. Obviously, this means they think you were just clicking anything to get through the survey and not give honest feedback.
Access Denied Fix
The good news if you get in touch with them via email most likely you will be able to get things squared away. Survey junkie will likely regrant you access with a warning not to rush any more surveys in the future. However, don't expect them to email you back right away. Most likely you will be waiting at least a couple of days to hear back from them. The contact form on their site even states that it may take 5-7 business days to hear back from them.
Sadly even sending an email to them will take some work. They do not provide an actual email address on their site. When you go to their 'Contact Us' page you will get a contact form. Which works fine in most cases. But users have even complained of not being able to use their contact form to send an email. They get the same 'Access Denied' message when doing so.
So you can now do 1 of 3 things. Or possibly more depending on how bad you want to regain access to your account.
1. Use a different browser and don't try to log in to your account. Send a message requesting to regain access to your banned account as a non-registered user.
2. Go to Survey Junkies Facebook Page and send them a message.
3. Or send them a direct email at [email protected]. I found this email on their Facebook 'About Page' and should get the job done.
Hope this helped you guys get your accounts back up and running! Please comment below and let us know if you were able to get your account unbanned. Also if you have any additional tips am sure others would love to know.