Yes, it absolutely does! I know the thought of being able to regrow vegetables indoors sounds a bit impossible. Turns out regrowing certain items isn't as far-fetched as you might think. Certain produce such as celery, lettuce, ginger, garlic, green onions, and pineapple are just a few common groceries that you are able to regrow. No gardening skills required!
Easiest food scrap to regrow. Simply take the leftover roots of the green onions place them in a glass and add enough water to cover the roots. Every couple days check to make sure there is water still covering the roots and in about a week you should have brand new green onions. You can reuse these roots about 3-4 times before replacing them.

Ginger is also very easy to re-grow. However, with this project, you will need a small
amount of potting soil. First, you will plant a small piece of the ginger's rhizome in potting soil leaving its buds facing upwards.
Ginger Regrowing Tips: You may be unaware of what the ginger rhizome is? It is simply another name for the ginger root.
Next you will put the ginger in non-direct sunlight. Also be sure to keep the ginger in a warm and moist environment. Lastly when it is time to harvest your ginger you will pull the whole plant up. If you want to replant once more simply remove some of the rhizome and repeat the process once again.

Ginger is also very easy to re-grow. However, with this project, you will need a small
amount of potting soil. First, you will plant a small piece of the ginger's rhizome in potting soil leaving its buds facing upwards.
Cut the base of your celery/lettuce, leaving an inch or so, then place the base of the plant in a glass. While making sure the part you cut is facing up, adding enough water to cover the bottom. Let this sit where it can get some sunlight checking the water every couple days. After a few days, you should see leafs sprouting from the top. Once you see the leafs forming place the base in some soil covering everything but the sprouting leafs.Celery Regrowing Tip: Also regarding your celery if you keep the base or root in the ground your celery should grow back over and over.
Lettuce Regrowing Tip: For harvesting your lettuce, if you cut the outermost leaves of your lettuce it will continue to produce new leaves over time making sure you leave the inside leaves undamaged.
Regrowing Garlic is much like the process of regrowing ginger. First, we will place our garlic root into our potting soil. Make sure to place your garlic where it will stay warm. Garlic, unlike ginger, likes to have lots of direct sunlight. The garlic root will produce new sprouts if done correctly. You can cut back the sprouts after your garlic plant is well established. Doing so will help with growing a bigger and tastier bulb.
Lastly pull up the plant and leave some if you would like to replant once again and repeat.
This one is a bit of a bonus since it's not a vegetable, but it is really fun to regrow. Cut the leafy top off and carefully remove the bottom layers until you can see root buds. Place the leafy green top of the pineapple in a glass and add water to cover up the root buds. Allowing it to soak for about 2 weeks until roots begin to form. Place the top of the pineapple into a pot of soil watering once a week. You will see growth happening in the first few months, but it will take about 2-3 years before it is ready to harvest.
Growing your own food will place a large portion of your grocery money back into your bank account. Regrowing your own food will save you even more, plus its really fun. If you have any kids they will likely love doing a regrowing experiment with you! Watching your food scraps slowly come back to life is an absolute joy to see. Remember no experience is necessary in order to regrow vegetables indoors. YOU CAN DO THIS!
If you have any questions regarding how to regrow vegetables indoors or would like to share your experiences please feel free to comment below.
As always, thanks for reading and living your fun-filled cheap life!
Living on the Cheap - Saving money tips
If you have any questions regarding how to regrow vegetables indoors or would like to share your experiences please feel free to comment below.
As always, thanks for reading and living your fun-filled cheap life!
As always, thanks for reading and living your fun-filled cheap life!
Living on the Cheap - Saving money tips